Welcome to Mary’s Blog

My Straight Outta Ijebu Photo

WELCOME to my personal blog where I talk about items, topics, events, trends, and occurrences that pique my interest.


I am a WordPress advocate & digital nomad!

I believe everyone should run a personal blog and I enjoy backpacking.

I currently work as a Support Engineer at PMPro, a WordPress membership plugin firm.

I run WPSlay, a WordPress website maintenance & support company.

I am a co-founder at Gbefunwa, a WordPress Managed Hosting firm.

In my spare time, I teach digital skills freely at our village Uwani Hub to women & teenagers, and I volunteer for the Nigerian & African WordPress Communities. To find out more about me and my work, do visit my professional website at MaryJob.com!

Thank you.

MJ after WCCT2017
Paragliding for the first time in Cape Town, 2017

On my blog, you will find random musings and information on whatever pops up in my head, otherwise explicitly stated. 

I love to meet new and exciting people, network, exchange ideas, and learn new things and cultures. I love mysteries, and my interests lie in going deep into information society technologies and Law. Yes, you read me right, studying Law is still on my to-do list. I use social media purposefully and I enjoy exploring tech gadgets. 

I love traveling and adventures! I am always a digital nomad at heart and soul!

I enjoy experiencing new places and I definitely love taking photos. I like to take pictures of people, food, myself, and any sight that piques my interest.

So who doesn’t love a good healthy meal ehn? The irony is I am not a fan of cooking, but I love great-tasting meals. Want to win me over? Offer me some great-tasting chocolate cheesecake, preferably from Caffè Tranche By Araba (they are permanently closed haaaa), or a trip to any Java House of Africa, or the Mediterraneo Restaurant. These people have the best meals and desserts. And it’s not just about the tasty meal, it’s the presentation of the meal that makes me drool.

Jajajajaja…sighs oh yeah, where was I? OK. So I also have a mission to travel around the world!! And I love the saying “All izz well” from the movie – 3 Idiots! Don’t tell me you haven’t seen that movie🧐??

If you have anything you want to say about my blog, feel free to leave a comment, or click here to contact me  or send an email to mary@howdoyou.tech, i would be ecstatic to read from you.

Lastly, If you like my blog and you enjoy reading my posts or enjoyed reading any one particular post, please follow my blog, and make use of the social media ‘share buttons’ to share with your friends too, knowledge sharing is power!! And sharing is Caring too!!

You can also inspire me to write more by buying me a cup of coffee **grinning** Xoxo!! Who again does not like coffee? Teasing 😚

Thank you, enjoy reading, and have a Happy Reflection!!

buy me a cup of coffee or just donate to keep me going
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Copyright: All written content, video, and photos or pictures are copyright Mary Job 2015 – 2024. Except when explicitly stated or (attributed to the original source). Unauthorized use and or duplication of these materials without express and written permission from this blog’s author and or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mary Job/Mary M. Job with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


  1. This is an amazing piece, I look forward to more amazing contents from your blog posts and before I forget I’ll need to go and dive for the hidden treasures you talk about.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Same crazy political atmosphere over here. I do hope and pray our dear African countries can find peace and thrive and become the best cities in the world one day.


    1. Howdy Zainab, thanks for stopping by too. And thanks for the compliments too 😍 have a great time looking around, sure there’s some goodie lurking just for ya 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Victor, a pleasure to meet you on here. Yes i remember although i may not be able to pick out your face in public should i see you again, until its stamped in my memory at least. Thanks for the follow *smiles*


  2. Nice niche, some day I hope to conquer my fear on public speaking and blog a little techy…after all I help teach my folks how to use their devices (if that counts, lol).
    Can’t wait to see your food pictures (cos you got me there).
    I mean who hasn’t seen 3 idiots??
    Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. As I was reading a lot of blogs, I stumbled upon your blog, which is a very inspiring one. Lots of content to read, spreading good vibes and creativity. A big thanks for visiting my blog. Have a good day!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You made the effort to stop by mine too and thanks for that too, we will have to exchange our travel stories. Give us a tinkle when ever you would like a chat. Traveling can be lonesome sometimes. xx

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh yeah I agree. It can be lonesome. Will sure do. Hoping to have my travel blog launched soonest. I’m kind of 😧😨😅 of writing, so I want to do travel videos 😁.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. e you thinking of explaining how and where you can stop and such. We are hoping to do that. we traveled across Italy and Sicily and did some workaways but found a lot of workaways treated you like slaves and others like family. Having said all that, we have bitten by the bug and aim to start travelling in Feb 17 with online work xx

            Liked by 1 person

  4. Good morning Mary, Thank you so much for liking my comment. Unfortunately things are getting a bit strange over here in the land of the free! But with a good blog there is always hope for more communication, more friendship, more love, and more hope. I look forward to your blogs.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. You are absolutely welcome. It’s my pleasure. You write very well. And you are absolutely right about more communication and love and friendship and hope that comes with blogging. The pen is indeed mightier than the sword. Cheerio Paul, Nice to meet you once again.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. Hi M.J.!
    I know Danny, Michael Rios, Tessa, Sherrie Miranda, Dennis Cardiff…
    I just wanted to come by to thank you for the kind words you wrote about my 71 tips article on Danny Ray’s blog today. I am glad you found the tips valuable. Thank you for the kind words.
    I saw you talking with Sherrie about Africa. I teach Medieval Africa to my 7th graders. Western Africa… Ghana, Mali…
    Thanks again for the kind words.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Wooow. That’s awesome Janice. I guess, oh not guess, am certain you are filled with awesomeness. Lovely to make your acquaintance. Now we are friends. (Am assuming… Haha). I bookmarked your tips page, am going to print it out and explore, check listing. The emphasis all boils down to networking, we cannot underestimate the necessity of networking in today’s age. Would love to sit in your class and pretend to be a 7th grader so I can learn from you. Am from Nigeria and I reside here. Been to Ghana, Togo, and I look forward to exploring more. Cheerios.

      Liked by 3 people

  6. What does “IJEBU” stand for? I’ve heard of “Straight Outta Compton” before but that’s about it.
    Please forgive my ignorance! 😉 ❤
    Sherrie Miranda's historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
    Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Sherrie, oh no but you are not being ignorant. Don’t you know no one person knows it all. Ijebu is the name of a town and tribe of people from Ogun State, in Nigeria. I believe you know Nigeria is a country in the western part of Africa, and Africa is a continent with about 57 Different Countries. (Not so sure, but I know it’s between 50 and 59). Since straight outta Compton says I am from Compton in the US. Hence Straight outta Ijebu says I am from Ijebu in Nigeria. Do you get?

      Liked by 4 people

  7. I notice you liked your own post. LOL! That’s one way to get an extra like. I’m already following you. Who couldn’t follow those cats eyes? I’m off now to read something of yours, to see what treasures await me :O)

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Jajajaja…I always do, mostly. Hehehe. Thanks for the follow, hope you enjoy reading…mhh. Cat eyes…I’m always told am half Asian, half Polish, half Nigerian, as a matter of fact, I like diversity so am from everywhere…Hehehe. Waiting for you to tell me the treasures you find. Be rest assured am haunting on yours too.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Ha, half of everything, huh? I know the feeling. In recent years, I have found out I may be part gypsy AND I may be related to Elizabeth Cady Stanton! (My mom’s maiden name is Cady!)
        Anyway, I look forward to learning more about you!

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Yes Sherrie, thank you. Well that’s a possibility, you might just be related. All these genes mixing here and there these days eh. I look forward to knowing you better too. Cheerio.

          Liked by 1 person

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